What is TEC?

Teens Encounter Christ (TEC) retreat is a 3-day event with the primary goal of facilitating life-changing encounters with Christ for those who are searching for deeper meaning, purpose, and hope in life, and who desire an authentic relationship with God within a community of believers.

TEC is specifically designed for teens who are at least 17 years old or in Grade 11 of high school, however young adults and adults are also welcome and encouraged to participate in this intergenerational faith community.

TEC Port Hope is part of the larger international TEC Conference. TEC was founded by Fr. Matthew Fedewa and Dorothy Gereke in the Diocese of Lansing, MI and the first TEC Retreat was held in 1965.  The TEC Conference is incredibly active today, and operates through the dedication and hard work of its staff, Executive Team, Leadership Council, Regional and State Coordinators, and other key volunteers.